
About Me

Warmest greeting to everyone ,

My name is Norsuhana Binti Abidin , just call me Sue . I'm officially 26 y/o on Sept 21 , 2021 . Based in Bera , Pahang . I am a graduated student of Diploma in Accountancy from the Kolej Yayasan Pahang  ( Colloboration UiTM) . I am someone's fianceeeee 💘

I am a part time blogger since now i'm working as an admin shipping . My blog is using "Rojak Langguage" whice is Malay + English . I am sharing my personal story and opinion. Kindly visit me often and don't forget to follow me . Guaranteed ,  i will follow you back . Please drop your comment on the comment section and message on cbox . 😘😘😘

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All comments posted are entirely the responsibility of the author . The owner will not be held responsible if any issues regarding comments are posted . Any comments in the form of derogatory or offensive remarks will not be published .