

By Suhana Abidin - October 04, 2019

Assalamualaikum . . .

Yesterday is my bad day . Yeaaa , it was migraine attack ! Any head pain can be miserable  ! Today i'm still not feeling well but i refuse to go to clinic . I'm not a person who always being sick and needs an "MC" every time i get sick . I used to working and push myself to speedy recovery . I'm not a type of being clingy and pampered when i get sick and i used to it .

The most common migraine symptoms that i always had are vomiting , severe headache , nausea , my body feel heating and no appetite . Actually aku tiba-tiba migraine after lunch break semalam waktu dekat office , memang rasa tak sedap badan habis plus tak boleh baring waktu tengah kerja . Balik dari office aku tidur kejap sampai ke magrib sebab tak sedar langsung terlalu sakit kepala . Malam tu aku teringin nak makan burger kampung , so i ask my lil bro tolong belikan . Dia gigih belikan 2 biji burger untuk aku , i don't know cubaan perli aku ke atau apa . huhhh 😕  . Unfortunately , aku mampu makan 2 kali gigit je . Rasa loya sangat plus waktu tu adik aku duk scroll scroll tiktok , aku dah start nak naik angin dah dengar bunyi-bunyi lagu tiktok tu . Bertambah sakit kepala aku . Mungkin hormon aku tak stabil sekarang memandangkan aku tengah period . Fortunately tak datang sekali senggugut dengan migraine nie dalam waktu yang sama , i think i might die . Sigh 😔 . .

When this headache or migraine attacks , automatically will disrupts our day and mood, right? Kalau tak , takan la ada iklan panadol "Anda rasa saya ada masa untuk sakit kepala ?" Sometimes ada antara kita who do not know the difference between headaches and migraines and the possible causes of the disease kan .? Okey , hari nie aku nak buka medical class . hikss 😅 Thanks to google for the very good information sources . 

Cluster Headache 
- Cluster headaches , which occur in cyclical patterns or cluster periods , are one of the most painful types of headaches . A cluster headache commonly awakens you in the middle of the night with intense pain in or around one eye on one side of your head . Bouts of frequent attacks, known as cluster periods , can last from weeks to months, usually followed by remission periods when the headaches stop. Fortunately , cluster headache is rare and not life-threatening . Treatments can make cluster headache attacks shorter and less severe . In addition , medications can reduce the number of cluster headaches you have . Most attacks occur at night , usually one to two hours after you go to bed . 

A cluster headache strikes quickly, usually without warning , although you might first have migraine-like nausea and aura . Common sign and symptons during a headache include : 

  • Excruciating pain that is generally situated in, behind or around one eye , but may radiate to other areas of your face , head and neck .
  • One-sided pain
  • Restlessness
  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness of your eye on the affacted side
  • Stuffy or runny nose on the affacted side 
  • Forehead or facial sweating on the affected side
  • Pale skin (pallor) or flushing on your face
  • Swelling around your eye on the affected side
  • Droppin eyelid on the affected side . 

Tension Headache
- A tension headache is generally a diffuse , mild to moderate pain in your head that's often described as feeling like a tight band around your head . A tension headache (tensio-type headache) is the most common type of headache and yet its causes aren't well-understood . Managing a tension headache is often a balance fostering healthy habits , finding effective nondrug treatments and using medications appropriately . A signs and symptoms of a tension headache include :

  • Dull, aching head pain
  • Sensation of tightness or pressure across your forehead or on the sides and back of your head.
  • Tenderness on your scalp, neck and shoulder muscles .

Tension headaches are divided into two main categories : 

Episodic Tensions 
- Episodic tension headaches can last from 30 minutes to a week . Frequent episodic tension headaches occur less than 15 days a month for at least three months . Frequent episodic tension headaches may become chronic . If you have frequent eisodic tensionheadaches , you can also have migraines .

Chronic Tensions
- This type of tension headache lasts hour and may be continuous. If your headaches occur 15 or more days a month for at least three months , they're considered chronic . 

- Migraine is a recurrent headache , usually only on the side of the head . Sometimes it starts on one side of the head and then on both sides of the head . There are several factors or causes of migraines , such as Stress or pressure , Alcohol consumption , some foods like chocolate , cheese , coffee and tea , Not getthing enought sleep or  Hormone changes during menstruation . Migraines can also cause the following symptoms :
  • Dizziness 
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Sensitivity to sound and light .
Two main types of migraine :

Classic Migraine
- Before the headache , early signs known as 'aura' or 'prodrome' are come naturally as warning signs .  Aura include light glare , zigzag lines , shadowing vision , numbness , dizziness and difficulty in speaking clearly . After these symptoms disappear , the migraine will attacks .

Normal Migraine 
- Headache will come naturally without first warning . This type of migraine is more common , especially among women . 


Rasanya yang tension tu almost everyone and everyday akan rasa . Yelaaa dengan ekonomi sekarang plus dengan perangai manusia zaman now . Maigoddd !! I can't get rid of dengan perangai orang sekarang . Yang baik , terlampau baik sangat . Yang jahat , terlampau extreme jahatnyaa . Aku ambil explanation nie dari MAYO CLINIC & MY HEALTH . Mungkin boleh membantu diagnosis jenis sakit kepala yang korang alami . WARNING ! Diagnosis sendiri untuk orang yang sama spesis dengan aku tak suka pergi klinik dan ambil MC je . For better result korang WAJIB pergi klinik dan dengar nasihat yang lebih pakar . 

Actually aku pernah je pergi klinik swasta hujung tahun lepas untuk diagnosis sakit kepala aku nie . Tapi ibarat kita diagnosis sendiri je . Doc just bagi advice , pergi check power spec , kurangkan coffee . That all then bayar dan ambil ubat . Atas sebab-sebab doc selalu check "ala kadar" la aku tak suka pergi klinik sampai sekarang . Better aku pergi farmasi je beli ubat . lol -

13 Bawang Holland

  1. Mcm kak nieyl ni mmg ade migrain cuma x berapa kerap kena la...if kena tu memang x boleh nak buka mata..memang kena duduk dlm bilik gelap n tidur...

    1. sama la . sye pun semalam masuk bilik terus tutup lampu dan data hp sebab taknak org ganggu . Time tu nak bercakap banyak pun tak mau dah . Tidur je yang rasa boleh selamatkan keadaan .

  2. Kesiannya baca sakit migrain sue tu, macam teruk je :(
    Nini doakan sue sentiasa sihat and tak migrain selalu aamiin.

    And setuju sangat pasal doktor check ala kadar tu. Hak alah, kalau takat check camtu baik hakak google je. Pastu pi farmasi hahahaha XD

    1. hahahah , kan .? Rasa macam kita yang belajar tak tinggi nie pun boleh jadi doktor jugak diagnos sendiri penyakit ringan2 nie . Sue jarang2 kena , tapi kalau sekali kena memang teruk jugak la . Amin Amin Amin and thank you untuk doa tu .

    2. Tu laa hahahaha. Sabar je la kan :p
      Sama sama hehe

  3. Tak pernah kena migrain.
    Sakit kela tu ada juga sekali2

  4. Sy biase pening lepas makan sup kambing hehe..

    Semoga cepat sembuh ye sue..

  5. Migraine ni memang keturunan sebelah ibu, memang tak boleh nak lari.
    But alhamdulillah dalam masa setahun saya kena migraine dalam sekali dua je.

  6. i used to be so confused with these two terms

  7. Kalau diserang migraine memang susah nak buat apa. Get well soon, dik. Rehat cukup-cukup ya.

  8. So far takda lagi kena migraine tapi kawan kawan saya ramai yg ada migraine. Kesiannn kalau tengokkk :'(

  9. ammi pernah kena sakit kepala yg melampau last 3 years. dekat 3 hari jugak sakitnya. I thought it was migraine sebab ammi memang ada history migraine. Makan ubat migrain tak jalan... pergi clinic rupa2nya sakit kepala tu is due to sinus. Gilalah punya sakit.

    Sekarang kalau selsema je memang ammi cepat2 makan ubat..takut je kalau kene sinus attack ni.

    1. bahayanyaaa . sakit gigi boleh sakit kepala , selsema pun boleh sakit kepala . take care ammi . Semoga sihat selalu .
